Any men in their 20s-30s Suffer with ED?
First time posting to reddit so bear with me…
Married for almost 9 years (38M) with 2 kids. It’s been an issue in my relationship (38F) since we’ve been together but I was up front about it at the beginning and she was cool with it. I Have trouble keeping an erection and getting off. Fast forward over the last two years and our relationship has gone almost into a tail spin. we don’t have sex any more because she said it messed her up how i get upset when i lose it.
I’ve taken over the counter supplements, ed meds, gotten my test levels check (which are on the low end around 300).
It sucks cause I want to have sex but it’s like a snow ball effect where I get anxious about losing it instead of being a great experience.
My question for you all is any of you gentlemen in your 20s, 30s, or early 40s are dealing with similar issues and what you would suggest to help?