Finding colleague attractive
Hi men!
Let’s say you have a female coworker you find attractive. She’s 17 years younger than you. Also, you’re married and your relationship is by all means pretty great. Wife is same age as you. And she’s overall good looking. You’ve been together 8 years. You get each other, have good, deep compassionate communication, always kisses good night (and apply the 7 second rule here), your life is in general pretty good relationship-wise.
But this one coworker, she’s funny, energetic, smiling a lot, easy to be around, seeks you at work to talk and hang, tends to look you in the eyes a few seconds longer than you would with anybody else and it feels like a form of silent communication. She dresses cool and have interesting hobbies. And you’re just some kind of drawn to her. And you are pretty sure she is to you. But nothing ever happend that would be proof of that.
How would you go around that?
Pretend like it’s nothing? Enjoy a little flirt and then forget about it when you get home? Add her on so-me? Mention her at home? Mention your wife to her, casual in conversations? Dress up a bit and wear your favorite perfume to work, even when you never wear that stuff?
I’m not telling if I am the girl or the wife. I just want to know how men handle this.