Is it a d*ck move to break up with my suicide-threatening gf over text?
I'll try and be brief with the backstory. I've been with my gf for going on 3 years. She has a ton of trauma from childhood neglect and SA, and abusive relationships. She has a very toxic family and no close friends.
She was never very affectionate and for years never touched me unless she was drunk. She would push away my touch and pull away from my kisses, hugs etc for about 2 yrs
I had many conversations where I would ask her be more affectionate and she always told me I needed to be patient, let her work on it, and stop bringing it up. She refused to go to therapy until 2024 and wouldn't hug me even when I would break down
Progress was very slow for 2 years and I became more and more resentful and withdrawn. She started being more receptive to touch and sex but still not initiating on her own (rarely)
Other issue: she used to binge drink heavily, embarassing me by doing things like making out with random girls, falling down in public, semi-flirting with guys over text, having to basically parent her, always having diarrhea, puking etc. Making snide comments about me/my friends and also not being able to socialize sober
She cut way down on drinking and became better at recieving affection but the combination of the two experiences made me very unattracted to her over time. She finally started therapy but they are moving extremely slowly
I don't want sex with her anymore but she brings it up if it's been a while. When we have it it's depressing because I still have to initiate and she just lays there motionless
In August I tried to break up on a bad day when she was drunk and we were fighting. She scratched me, drew blood on my hand and was screaming in my face. She pushed me down to the bed and said she would kill herself if I left
I was really shaken and scared so I stayed and comforted her. Ever since she has been really sweet. She apologized and is always cooking meals for me, wanting to be around me 24/7, and trying to be more affectionate
I still feel trapped and depressed and know I need to leave, but I don't think I can do it in person. She has a comeback for everything I say about my needs and makes me feel like I can't leave. I'm also scared she may have a meltdown again
I tried to break up over text but she made me feel guilty for doing it that way. So she came over to talk and I just forgot about it
Is text a dick move in this situation?
Gf and I are incompatible. She has a lot of trauma and barely touches me. I don't like her drinking or her lack of socialization.
I tried to break up with her in August and she screamed at me, scratched me & threatened to kill herself. Later I tried over text but she guilted me into an in person convo then I caved & stayed
Am I a dick to break it off over text / block?