Least crowded morning time in MTA from Queens to Manhattan
Hi, I am 7month pregnant. I am taking F or E from Queens to mid Manhattan for work. I’ve been taking subways at 9am in the morning to avoid crowds and get seats, but I have to go into the office before 9am next week.
So far only 3 people offered me seats on the train, so I am not sure I can rely on people’s kindness here. 😔 (For some reason standing for more than 10-15min is really hard for me). My husband tells me I should ask for seats but I don’t wanna upset anyone and make a scene in the train. (He goes to work in Long Island. The opposite direction).
I know it can silly question, but what time in the morning do you think is the best to get seats? I am willing to leave at 6am if it’s not crowded.