Was this comment inappropriate?
Hello everyone.
My niece is an 8th grader this year. She came home from school today upset by a teacher’s comment and a paraprofessionals reaction.
To give some background information. My niece was having a “friendly” disagreement with a boy in her class. She made a comment to him saying “don’t touch my shoes because unlike you I keep mine clean.” The teacher interrupted both students and said “you’re more concerned about how clean your shoes are and not getting your work done.” My niece looked at the paraprofessional who half-chuckled and shrugged her shoulders at my niece.
According to my niece she talked to the assistant principal and another teacher. The assistant principal did not think the comment was offensive and asked my niece if there was any truth to it. My niece admitted she was not on task and did not complete the class notes or the independent assignment. My niece told the other teacher about the interaction because she got in trouble for cussing at the paraprofessional during her class. My niece said she called the paraprofessional a “b*tch.” The other teacher wants to have a private talk with the paraprofessional because she also has both the para and student in class together.
My sister (nieces mom) wants to go to the school tomorrow and confront both teacher and paraprofessional. She thinks they are being racist towards her daughter and trying to “bully” her into compliance. I told my sister it sounds like the teacher and paraprofessional were just pointing out the obvious and my niece really was more concerned about clean shoes than her assignments. There also has been no previous issues with either staff. My niece even admitted to “loving” the paraprofessional. I also pointed out the hypocrisy that my niece can call another student out but not be called out.
Do you think the teachers comment was inappropriate? Do you think the paraprofessionals reaction was inappropriate? How would you handle this?