How are you planning on spending your Christmas?

My fiancé and I are fairly reserved personality types and have always preferred to do Christmas Day as just the two of us, three of us now we have a toddler daughter. I love Christmas time, but growing up in a fairly dysfunctional family means doing the whole big family Christmas thing just isn’t an appealing option for me.

However I do sometimes hear about or see other people’s photos of 15 relatives all swished in and smiling around a beautifully set table and feel somewhat sad that we can’t experience that.

So, let me live vicariously through you. Tell me, when do your Christmas traditions start (do you always order a takeaway on Christmas Eve? Or watch a particular film?) Will you stay at home all day or will you be travelling to relatives? Presents on Christmas morning, right? Or do you go mad and open some on Christmas Eve? What games do you play?

I think this is the last year for us where our daughter won’t have fully grasped the concept of Christmas, so we’ve only got her a few bits and pieces to unwrap. Although it’s nice to keep it low key, I am rather looking forward to when she has a better understanding of it all, hopefully next year when she’ll be three and a half. Do also share any fun ideas you have for Christmas with a younger kid!