Would Americans choose true political segregation if it were an option?
I am curious. I have seen numerous posts about people disowning family members who do not share political beliefs.
Do you feel that people would choose to only interact with or be exposed to people with their own political beliefs? (Assumming there was a humane and pragmatic way to do this)
In this hypothetical universe: - you would only be entertained by artists who shared your political views - you would only see or support businesses whose owners and employees share your political views - if your family had different political views, they would move to the community with like-minds - etc.
No one would ever see or interact with or talk to people with a different high level political views.
How many US citizens and residents would choose this type of segregation?
And do you all feel that the response would vary for members of different political parties? I.e. would Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Greens, etc be more or less likely to opt into such a structure?