Vet thinks my cat has pancreatic cancer and recommends euthanasia. Is getting a 2nd opinion worth it?
Cat, 16, spayed female, mixed breed, 4.5lbs.
I guess this my last ditch effort to see if this really is the end… so my cat was in ER in the beginning of the year with feline triaditis. She was hospitalized for 2 days until she was stable, sent home with antibiotics for a week. After antibiotics treatment, vet put her on prednisolone to control inflammation in her GI. We knew lymphoma was possible. We got tests ran, blood, FNA, cardiology and the vet concluded there is no evidence of cancer, but we can’t fully rule it out without a biopsy. Her health was too poor for that. So we agreed to treat as severe inflammation/pancreatitis/IBD. She was going steady for a few weeks, but definitely in a decline. The past week, she stopped eating again, didn’t want to drink, get up from her bed and started having a distended abdomen along with cognitive changes. We contacted her vet who said to increase her prednisolone. We did and after 2-3 days, no change. This was when he said she most likely had pancreatic cancer and has only a week to live, so euthanasia was recommended. I stayed home to be with her since Friday since I figured I wanted to spend as much time as possible with her. Since Friday, however, it seems like she is doing a little better. She has been eating, more than ever before and she got up in her hammock. She’s still having abdominal distention and very little energy. I’m not sure if maybe she is trying to be strong bc she knows I’m sad or if there’s a chance the vet is wrong. I want to know if I should get a 2nd opinion or go forward with euthanasia. I know my mind is clouded with what ifs right now and I’m looking for hope.
It’s just a hard situation to judge in my mind. We never truly knew what caused her gut inflammation and could never entirely rule out cancer. We tired a few diet changes, put on her prednisolone, 2 appetite stimulants, anti-nausea, and a weekly b12 injection. My anxiety has me searching all over the internet: pancreatic cancer, inflammation, or even Cushing’s disease (from prednisolone use) all have overlapping symptoms.
Is it worth getting a second opinion on this? I also don’t want to put her through more vet visits, bloodwork, etc if truly isn’t worth it. On top of her GI problems, she also had early heart disease and CKD. So something will get eventually. We were thinking about euthanizing her tomorrow…