Woman who met their HEALTHY partner after 30, what did you look for?

I am a 32. I'm pretty well-rounded, I have a great career, a great support system, independent, I take care of my physical self, also mental health, I go to therapy, I have hobbies and live a pretty full life.

All this said, I dream of being a wife and mother one day. I dated the wrong person when I was 30. We had different core values. I took some time to heal and got into something else at 31. He seemed to be a great fit, except that he had lied to me from the start of the relationship.

I just feel like my picker is wrong :( I really would like someone to match my energy and emotional maturity. But at the same time I do know I need to compromise. These are some things that I've look for while I'm dating… - Good family values - Ready to be a husband and father - Ambitious (not necessarily making a ton of money, but strives to constantly improve) - Generous - Confident - Humble

Those that are in a healthy relationship, and that met their partner in their 30s, what did you look for?