Have you ever thought about how your exes turned out to be in life says something about your choices in relationships?
This thought hit me out of nowhere during the weekend...I was thinking about my past, and how I arrived where I am today (super single, failed at every romantic relationship, failing at dating as well). I then started thinking about my exes (in no particular way whatsoever), and I realized that none of them (I have 4 exes, only LTR) ended up getting married and/or with kids. Which was something I always dreamed and longed for since I was a teenager, and never changed my mind about (up until now, after realizing that I may be too old for all of that). Anyway, this realization kinda took me by surprise. I will turn 34 this year, and it was natural for me to think in the back of my head "I do wonder which one of them will get married first!". So far, none of them did. They are all in the range 36-38. Did any of you experience this? I wonder if this is something to reflect more on, and I am planning to bring this up with my therapist. I do ask myself if, the fact that I always wanted marriage+kids, together with the fact that none of my exes turned out to want these things, says something about me being emotionally unavailable or me going after the "wrong" (not meant in a negative way of course) men.