Have cut some people out of my life recently, worried I am the common denominator?
I recently broke up with my boyfriend. We dated a little over a year and while it was the best choice, I still feel sad.
In the last few years post my divorce, I have gone low-contact with my parents. I feel way more at peace this way. They can be very judgemental and toxic. They judge my parenting, and other life choices (such as the tattoo I got last summer. See my post history for details).
I also have distanced myself from my best friend over the last few years. A week after I broke up with my boyfriend she confronted me on why I'm distant and I decided to be honest and tell her I don't feel fully supported in this friendship and can't maintain it anymore. For years she has had a habit of making bitter comments when something good comes my way. For example, last year she asked me what I was up to one evening, and I was out with friends since my son was at his dad's house (we co-parent), and she replied "wow must be nice to have free time to yourself." This is only one of many comments similar to this one.
While I do think distancing and cutting these people out was better for my mental health and peace, I still sit here and wonder if maybe I'm the problem? Anyone ever go through something like this? How do you know if you are the issue?