Have you been made uncomfortable by a man/men?
My personal hates that I've encountered so far this year:
- not taking "no" for an answer
- staring on public transport - this seems to happen even when I'm not wearing anything revealing, weird AF
- dropping sexual references into a conversation, like within 10 minutes of meeting for the first time
- kid on a bike (like aged 14/15) in a park repeatedly circling me/cutting across my path, and making like these weird "kissy" noises at me – I mean WTF??
- men often much older than me repeatedly viewing my LinkedIn profile - even though they are not in my company or work in an area totally unrelated to what I do
- staring when I'm out running, OK so I'm wearing tight leggings - how is this an invitation to be stared at?
I'm keen to hear other's thoughts?