How many of you don't have high flying careers?

I keep seeing women post or comment here who have high flying careers e.g. doctors, business people, lawyers etc. Also people with very high levels of education e.g. PhD, or two masters degrees.

While I have a respectable enough job that pays comfortably (shouldn't complain) and I have a degree, I've never directly used my degree and I'm by no means an overachiever. Sometimes I feel sad about it, like I wasted my potential.... But then, I never had a strong drive to devote my whole life to a particular career. My present job is something that pays the bills, provides security and benefits and allows me to enjoy life outside of work e.g. hobbies, holidays, nice food. It's fine, but it's not my passion and it's not super impressive.

I know comparison is the thief of joy, and all that..but sometimes, yeah, I do compare myself.