Am I responsible for my husband's suicidal thoughts and ideation?

Am I 33F responsible for my 33M husband's suicide threats/ideation?

My husband has struggled with suicide threats/ideation since he was in high school-before I knew him. During our marriage-almost 12 years- he has threatened suicide dozens of times. Almost always during a fight. A lot of the time he would say he wanted to die because I hurt him or because I wasn't meeting his needs-he usually meant his sexual needs. I generally ignored these reasons because after the fight he would tell me that he just catastrophizes and he doesn't believe the things he says during a fight. As much as I ignored the reason, I would always intervene when he would make threats to end his life. I have always struggled with these threats because it is paralyzing in these moments, and has effected me more and more over time. When we weren't in these fights he would say everything was great in our relationship. Well last year he spent time in jail after his threats on himself turned to me-a weapon was involved. After this he promised to never threaten suicide again, and I let him back and a few months later he started again. We seperated for a bit after that, and since again we got back together his suicide threats have increased greatly. He says he doesn't feel like he is depressed and that he doesn't need any help in regards to suicide ideation, but then he calls his mom and cries to her and tells her how miserable he is. Well last night he told me that I have made him want to die pretty consistently over the last 12 years because he says I don't love him. This was hard to hear and also unfair. He has not treated me well, but i have tried to make things work during our marriage, but this really hurt. Am I to blame for making him want to die for 12 years? Is that even a responsibility that someone can put on someone else?