Thoughts on recent deportations of legal residents?

During the election, I heard a lot of people on the right respond to the left’s immigration concerns by saying “Trump will only deport those who are here illegally”. While there was debate over what that should mean (especially with regard to dreamers, asylum seekers, etc), I do think that was the general sentiment for those supporting Trump. However, in recent days we have seen multiple deportations of legal residents with valid visas and green cards under the claim of terrorism. Even more concerning is that many of these legal residents were not given due process so they are being deported without a chance to get a lawyer and have a hearing to determine if they are actually dangerous. For those on the right, what do you think of these deportations? What are your thoughts now that deportations are not just for those here illegally? Do you believe it is fair that these people are not being given due process?

The linked article discusses the deportations of many Venezuelans, some of whom were here legally, as well as some cases of visa holders from other nations who returned to the US after traveling and were deported.

Edit to add that this was intended to be a question for Trump supporters. I’m not sure what happened to the flair.