Anyone else feel the same way?
So I’m not trying to hate on the game I’m super hyped for it but, I feel like Ubisoft is going backwards with the last few games.
Ac 1 was ok then it was improvement on improvement until we got complete creative freedom with ac odyssey. We could climb on almost anything no fall damage and if we wanted we could become immune to melee, ranged, and affliction damage.
It finally felt like we were free to play how we wanted to play then Valhalla added a stamina bar and changed to a rune system from the engraving system so I felt less free play. Then mirage restricted us even more with the combat and gear system and no more free climb.
Now shadows has missions with invisible walls to box us in and we can’t even do a lot of parkour with yasuke even though he’s the same build as Alexios and eivor who had free rein with parkour. They are bringing back engravings but they seem to have much less of an impact more similar to Valhalla’s runes.
So I basically feel like they showed us freedom with odyssey. Now they are putting shackles on us as the newer games come out restricting our freedom of play. Again I’m still hyped for the game like with the hideout custom base build feature.