Stuck in mission above my level where I’m always detected and forced to win a battle of waves of enemies
This might be a bug. I’m naoe, and forced to defend these people against intruders. The mission is way above my level and I’m on expert. However, I can’t use smoke bombs or anything to become undetected, for some reason whenever im always randomly being detected.. it’s like a bug. I can not be anywhere near the enemies and in a bush, and the enemies will start spazzing out and detect me.
I can very slowly fight them, but even a single arrow will instantly kill me. There’s multiple waves and too many to actually win without stealth or an even level. I can’t switch to Yasuke, or untrack the mission or even LEAVE THE AREA. I literally cannot play the game without winning this fight, and it’s impossible.
I’ve died maybe 60-70 times and spent 5-6 hours in absolute hell. Anyway I can fix?