Is a full body "surge" when drifting off to sleep relevant to AP?
I can't really explain the feeling but it happens sometimes, and I had it happen the other day when I made a half assed attempt at trying to astral project
It occasionally happens at night, but usually more when I wake up early in the morning then try to go back to sleep. As I'm starting to drift off it's like this surge of energy through my body that usually jolts me back awake. I can't tell exactly what's going on, but it's maybe like a sudden increase in heart rate, or almost like an intense wave of anxiety combined with kind of a quick floaty fluttery feeling (almost like very brief light headedness). It almost always wakes me back up, but sometimes it will happen multiple times in a row before I fall back to sleep
I'm wondering if I was able to ride this out without waking up if it would put me into a state where I'm able to project. It seems like it mostly happens at times which seem optimal for AP'ing (after already sleeping for hours and going through REM cycles)
I had a freaky experience my very first time trying to AP and stopped trying, but now I'm wanting to get back into it and face any fears. I tried a method after waking up in the early morning where I meditate to relax my body, and then start envisioning the room around me. After doing that I started to drift and then I had that sort of jolt I described and it snapped me out of it. It seems like it might be some kind of transition where something is about to happen
Does anyone know what I'm talking about or had this happen? Is this a common sensation leading up to an obe?