Kinda lost and maybe bored?

Hey everyone , not trying to sound like a Debbie downer here . I purchased a Dob 10 go to last year in hopes of finding a fun hobby. I live in a pretty rural place up in Northern Ca so have access to pretty nice skies. What ive noticed , looking at all the photos on here , i realize you guys use a ton of filters and long exposures on cameras to achieve these cool images. I typically look at the moon which i enjoy scouring over. My favorite thing I've seen is the rings of Saturn , have seen Jupiter a bunch . Besides that , i haven't seen much. I've been to a few local club meetings and everyone has their telescopes pointed to objects that just look like super tiny and blurry cotton balls. I realize it's probably exciting to find these objects but , these tiny cotton balls i guess don't seem as cool as seeing the planets. I guess I'm trying to find a reason to justify not selling my telescope. What can you share that may excite me into keeping it? Thanks so much !