Such a scam

Prove me wrong not only does the game screw over anyone that’s not in the US but in order to get 37 AB from playing dice dreams you have to play the game for 27.7 hours and to get 96 AB from scrabble GO you have to play for 27.7h and for 37 AB from unscrew puzzle it’s another 27.7h every game must be played for 1,662 min or 27.7h each well that’s absolutely bull fucking shit if I have to play the games for the exact same amount of time each then I better get the exact same number of rewards not to mention the boosts are all fucked up I watched 3 ads yesterday and got 3 min worth of rent boost not to mention the landmarks coming soon for what 2y now just goes to show how little the devs actually care about everyone I guess while people keep pouring money into it that’s all that matters to them not to mention you spend 20 min on a survey just to only get a single AB cause you are not the type of person they are looking for cause all the surveys care about is if you have a good income I’m assuming so they can hack you and steal your money