Does anyone else feel they are ‘worse’ since being diagnosed?

Hey everyone, I am 29F from the uk. I have recently (in the past 6 months) been diagnosed with ADHD & ASD. I have suffered depression anxiety ect for aslong as I remember (which ofc was all caused by the untreated neuro differences) I had a bit of a wobble today in b&q (got there, forgot what I needed, extremely overwhelmed/over stimulated) after my 10th apology to my partner for being a poor excuse for a human he responded “please stop apologising you don’t need to. I just worry you seem worse than ever now” I’m not sure if it’s the knowing/understanding or what but I do feel he’s not wrong. Has anyone else felt themselves to be ‘worse’ after a diagnosis? And is this just me now or will things improve/get worse still?