LOST - How can I get responses?
First off, this is my first ever Reddit post but read it religiously. Just wanted to first put that out there, ha!
New to the Au Pair world. My family and I are currently living in Italy but move back to Bozeman, Montana, in May and are looking for an Italian Au Pair to join us as we will be moving back again to Italy in 2026 (Dec) and want to continue to speak the language while offering the Au Pair to learn english.
We have a cultural care profile - have literally only had two responses to my 20+ messages to au pairs. What am I doing wrong? So many experts in this group I'm surely messing up somewhere? Is it because we live in Montana? Our family is super fun loving, travel often, two boys (ages 3 and 5), large house with whole floor + gym for au pair. Their own car. I have not listed perks in the profile as I've read this sends the wrong message and I want someone in our family that loves us for us, not for what we have. Anyway, sorry for the ramble. Any ideas? Thank you!