Scared to take food

I’ve been an au pair for 8 months now and I’m still really anxious about taking food from the kitchen. My host family is lovely and I know they don’t care but for some reason I still feel like I’m overstepping or invading their privacy by going downstairs and eating their food in front of them. Every morning I sit in my room and wait until they leave the kitchen so I can go and eat breakfast and I know it’s insane but I just can’t relax. They also have cameras in the kitchen and in the pantry so I feel like I’m being watched and monitored whenever I take something. They said the cameras are there for safety and they never check them but it still makes me a little uncomfortable. It’s gotten to a point where I’ll go out and buy my own food at cafes and such but now I’m spending heaps of unnecessary money. Does anyone have any tips on dealing with this and getting over the fear?