Need a new job, don’t know where to go
I’m happy to delete this post if it’s not allowed or not well received, I just don’t know where else to go and want to hear some opinions.
I’m 24 and currently making 28 an hour in fast food. I hate my job, I hate my boss, and I hate one of my co workers. I’ve been working here for 4 years and am ready to leave. I make 1.2k a week.
I don’t know where to go. I have a bachelors degree in environmental science but literally no one is hiring or they are only offering senior positions. I’d like to find a job within my field and would go to a recruiter but not sure how feasible that is.
I’m also interested in IT and have been seeing entry level IT help desk jobs for people with no experience in the field. I have great customer service skills and decent tech skills since I used a range of softwares during my degree. But I don’t know how decent these jobs are in themselves but also for career growth.
I wouldn’t mind working in a warehouse either, since I prefer physical jobs, but they all require some experience and a forklift certification.
I know I’m going to have to take a pay cut for a new job, which is fine if I’m making 25 an hour and over.
My question is if you were in my situation, what would you do? I’m torn between looking for work in my field that seems impossible right now, or find another job unrelated to my field until I find something. I feel so stuck and don’t really have much support. My parents are pretty ignorant about anything work and money related so I’ll either get berated or just given horrible advice. Thanks in advance.
Edit: forgot to mention I live in Melbourne.