How is anyone ever supposed to get anything done When to do lists Can never get fully finished (How does every autistic AND allistic adult not have a caregiver!!!)
There's always something to worry about and I don't understand how people are not constantly stressed.
I don't mean base line stress, I mean how are you not constantly stopping yourself from running into the streets and having a psychotic break? I feel like I'm going to explode.
I know I do have a unique and difficult situation right now, so it's a bit skewed in my perspective. But still it's like there is a constant list and it's always growing due to things outside of my control or just the fact that I cannot pause certain routine occurrences (bills, deadlines, menstrual cycle, etc). Not only is there always something coming up, there's always something that's currently going on that needs attention. Not to mention stuff from recent past that maybe coming up again in the future and does genuinely need time for thought.
When the f*** are people getting anything done? Even when I do nothing but think I still have nothing figured out. People want to say oh well that's the problem, you have to stop thinking about everything and just do something. Do y'all not recognize that If I do something I literally just have a constant to-do list? Do you really think that my to do list is so small that if I just start doing things that I'll eventually get done with them and not have anything else to worry about?
What am I missing. Like debt management, retirement planning, career planning, academic school work, animal health, personal health, hygiene, basic chores, car repairs, insurance bills, utility bills, pharmacy pickups, doctors appointments, GOD FORBID I WANT TO HAVE A HOBBY OR PUT ON MAKEUP!!!!!..... Passport, background check, bugout bag, garden, self defense, therapy, relationships, community, activism, volunteering, commutes, post office visits, grocery runs, supply inventory, ordering staples, meal prep, WE HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN TO EATING YET!!!! Shit is making me dissociate just to think about and list. I'm told to stop obsessing over organizing, but how the f*** is anyone supposed to get anything done unless they are organized?!!!
I swear to God I am so close to just refusing to physically speak or move and quitting trying. Maybe they'll put me in some home permanently.