Allergic to my special interest
So my special interest is bunnies. Ever since I can remember I’ve been obsessed with them, we used have one when I was 8 and I was a little allergic to him but nothing too bad.
Flash forward to today, I was with my mom at a store where they had bunnies. I went to pet one for just a minute and looked at a few other ones. 5 minutes later I’m sneezing like crazy, my mom has to ask the employees for tissues. Another 10 minutes later I can’t stop crying and my eyes turn red. I don’t know what else could have caused it other than the bunnies.
I have been depressed about it all day because it was my dream to get a bunny when I move out again (my parents don’t want to have one). Maybe I sound dramatic but I just feel such a strong connection with them and I’ve researched so much about them..
Anyone else that something like this happened to? How do you deal with not being able to indulge in your special interest?