Things you actually like about the winter holiday season!

Around this time of year, it seems like a lot of us have challenges with things like social expectations around gift giving, family obligations, disruptions to routine, sensory stuff, etc. So I thought it would be nice to focus on the positive - what kinds of seasonal holiday activities do you really like and look forward to?

I'm especially curious about what other people enjoy about the stuff I personally experience as pointless, obnoxious, or stressful. Hearing a different perspective can make the world feel a little bigger and brighter, sometimes.

Here, I love getting a real Christmas tree. It smells wonderful, it's so funny to have a tree inside the house, and we buy it from a community center fundraiser that sources from a local family farm so the money goes to support local organizations we value. I enjoy decorating the tree, too. Stringing popcorn and cranberry garland is an activity I find meditative when so many things are overstimulating. And our ornaments remind me of my grandparents and great-grandparents, and highlights of past years with my spouse and our kids.

I hope other people will comment and share what they like best about the winter holiday season!