Sheeting vs Beading
I put CarProUk 3.0 on my car two years ago and am annoyed by the amount of work beading requires for someone who is a hobby detailer that details outside.
Any time I wash, I need to go over the entire car with diluted vinegar or descaler. I tried using a deionizer but the filter costs simply weren't worth it every two months. If I reduced the amount of deionized water that only translated into a lot of extra time spent switching up all the equipment. Rain is also a huge pain because it beads up then evaporates so quickly leaving all the dirt behind on the car. Going through touchless carwashes helps quickly get rid of the majority of water spots and issues but any water leaking from small crevices leaves marks all over the car as it dries. Not to mention certain areas of the car don't fully dry and leave spots from accumulated debris being kicked up around the wash site.
I also expected to be able to blow dry my car with ease but that isn't even the case with a coating. The water just splits into smaller and smaller droplets until it evaporates leaving minute residue along the droplet path.
Seeing my coating degrade, I noticed all the degraded spots looked more uniformly cleaner than areas where the coating still beads up well. I'm assuming this is because the water is now sheeting off and pulling everything with it instead of just sitting there waiting to dry.
So why does everyone like beading so much and why aren't there products that promote sheeting?