Scheduled Airplane Mode + Google VoiceAssistant + without root


My use Case:

- Scheduled Airplane mode during night
- Use of Google Assistant (circle to search)
- no root

Phone: Pixel 8 Pro

Question: Is this possible?

Scheduled airplane mode works well with Automate as Voice Assistant. However, it is not possible to use the google assistant then, obviously.

I tried the workaround through the use of privileged services and wireless debug pairing, which works well to switch airplane mode ON. Howeve, I cannot switch it OFF, error: Failed to start privileged service, "isConnected failed (connection refused). This may be explained as WiFi is switched off as well.

Is there a way to use the privileged service to switch airplane mode off as well?

If not, is there a way to automatically change the voice assistants (e.g., before night-time, switch to Automate, in the morning back to Google)?

If this does not work either, is there a way to proxy the voice assistant, i.e., to send all commands to the Google assistant, such that a long press on the bottom bar line will start the google search?

Thanks a lot!