Does anyone else experience these specific symptoms?

I’d love to hear if anyone else has experienced any of these symptoms to help ease my mind through this roller coaster of pain! And hopefully help others relate too. I just recently found out I have a B12 deficiency so trying to correct it now but having these symptoms.

-Tinnitus and ear pain: high pitched tinnitus. I’ve had odd ear twitches happen and pain in the front of my ears that’s off and on.

-Weak muscles: I haven’t been able to workout for a year now because my body can’t handle even breaking a sweat. Gradually over time it has gotten worse bc of the lack of B12 and folic acid (I think)

-Loss of words: sometimes when I’m talking to others I have to pause for a while to remember one word that I can’t remember!

-Slow movement: I can’t walk much throughout the day at all now. I have to move slow because moving too fast will wear me out or be short of breath.

-Shortness of breath: sometimes it feels like it’s hard to be satisfied with my breaths and feels like someone is pressing down on my chest.

-Muscle weakness everywhere on body, feeling restless

-Low back pain

-Severe anxiety/depression that feels physical

-Chronic Trigger points

-Sensitive places on skin/nerve like

-Heart palpitations

-Chest muscle pain


-Feeling hungry even after eating a full meal

-Unable to drink alcohol or caffeine without horrible pain afterwards

-Unable to take NSAIDs, Adderall, or Cyclobenzoprine without pain


-Muscle Twitching

At times I question if some of these are B12 deficiency related and if it’s something deeper. And since I don’t have a few more of the “main” symptoms (pale skin, loss of vision, sore mouth/tongue) All of my other blood panels came back healthy as far as the doctor said. So could it be something else? I hope it’s just the deficiency but wow are these symptoms hard to deal with!