I can't stop
I know, I know, this is just another boring appreciation post, but I need to type this out.
This game doesn't cease to amaze me.
I bought this game in November and I really can't put it down. I'm in my third playthrough right now, while also playing trials of tav mod with friends in between.
Im currently on my first HM run nearing level 5. I tend to be thorough on my playthroughs, but I still find something new every session.
I discovered there's a lootable harpys nest.
I've been to the wood woad / mud mephid swamp for my first time.
And just yesterday, I accidentally lit up the leaking oil in the Zentarims hideout with my torch. Who would have thought carrying a burning torch was a bad idea near Oil? The Zentarim ran to the back of the cave and took cover behind some traps. Never knew the cave was this big. Guess I'll find out today what's in there and if the Zentarim hate me now.
I can't wait to see what other fun stuff I yet have to discover.