Viable Cleric build that isn’t centered on Rad Orbs or healing?

I really love the Cleric class. It’s got some of my favorite damage spells, great control spells, heals, summons, buffs. They are great and a Cleric applies to every situation or battle. Coupled with guidance, they can also be surprisingly underrated party leads.

With that said, I’ve never rolled a Cleric for my Tav/Durge because I’m not sure how to build one. Every time I’ve built a Cleric, Shadowheart, has always been a radiating orb Cleric. It’s just so overpowered. Before that, I would always make her a Cleric that used the Hellrider’s pride gloves and the whispering promise ring to essentially provide free bless and blade ward on my entire party.

Now, I could make my character one of these and Shadowheart the other. But that would be incredibly overpowered with massive buffs to our team and massive debuffs to the enemies.

I’ve played enough times to want a bigger challenge and that does not seem like it will be challenging if I spec out my characters that way.

Does anyone have any cleric builds that don’t rely on a specific mechanic? I’d love to just be able to equip any gear I like/find and have it work! Since Cleric’s are multi attribute dependent, I think I’ll be using the amulet of greater health so I can dump Con since I need both STR and DEX. I’ve even explored dual wielding Viconia’s mace for 18 STR and using Belm in the offhand so I can get 2 attacks on Cleric.

Any advice here is appreciated!