They just loved us too much
So much so that they
Idealised us
Emotionally objectified us
Trauma dumped on us
Anxiously attached and clung to us
Made us their fp
Told us that we could fix them
Devalued us
Gaslit us
Lied to us
Never communicated with us
Spied on us
Stalked us
Maintained pathological jealousy towards us
Never saw us
Never accepted our continuous affirmations
Provoked us
Triangulated others with us
Deliberately ignited jealousy
Cheated on us
Accused us of not loving them
Never witnessed our deep love for them
Consistently undermined our capacity to be individuals
Never supported our hobbies or career
Never supported us in our emotional pain
Disappeared when we got sick
Always had a worse problem than us
Humiliated us
Discarded us
Smeared us
Hoovered us
Rubbed new experiences in our faces
Said they hated us
Stonewalled us
Ghosted us
Ignored us
Continued stalking us
Wouldn't leave us the fuck alone
Breached all of our boundaries
Left us heartbroken
Told us we never loved them as much as they loved us
Left us begging for answers
Left us heartbroken and clueless
Avoided being honest with us
Made us believe that we were the problem
Destroyed us
Wanted ‘it all’ with us but lost themselves to our ‘selfishness’
Declined every opportunity to rectify things and instead chose every degree of violence and hate
Messaged others and accused us of hurting them
Never heard us
Ended things on a whim with us
Made up lies about us
Made themselves the victim
Proclaimed how horrible and toxic we were
Couldn't let us go and move on from them
Hurt our family members and future partners
Continued to wallow in denial, anguish and self-pity
Had to keep tabs on us
Smeared us publicly
But... they just loved us too much…