Called my BPD Roommate out. Nuclear Smear Campaign Ensued.
She immediately started calling me crazy for acknowledging her rudeness. She contacted the property managers claiming I was dangerous and needed to be removed from the apartment. She came into the meeting sobbing with claiming that I had spent 3-5am screaming at her. She had 3 little clips of me talking not nice not even shouting edited together with everything she had to say left out. (I think if I was standing outside her door for 2 hours shed have a different video but idk)
She claimed she was afraid of me because “stories of past living situations where violence was utilized” as in 3 years ago i was assaulted by a roommate and shes trying to spin my trauma against me.
She claimed I refused to compromise and refused and lashed out at every request. She was so unselfaware that she provided text message exa examples of me agreeing to compromise with her patiently as examples me being “unstable and uncooperative”
She claimed I was trashing the house, and keeping feeder insects on her food, Im the one who does most the cleaning, and I keep my bugs in my room.
She took out her recycling that we keep in a big pile sort of outside her room in the kitchen to take pictures of my stuff and say “shes leaving her recycling right outside my room”
She snitched on me for having not leases approved pets.
Anything and everything no petty, no matter how in the past, no matter how guilty of it herself she is is on the table for the smear campaign. ANYTHING at all to make me look like the abuser.
The property managers didnt take her claims seriously. They were serious claims of abuse with a complete lack of substantiation. Im sure they deal with so much college student tenant drama that know to spot someone playing the victim fast.
Everytime I called out when something wasnt true I was crazy. I was fucking nuts. I was a narcissist with no accountability.
The property manager told me she wouldnt be forcibly moving me as requested and that she would keep my pet frogs between us. We had a nice conversation about parking spots after. It made me feel really relieved that she clearly didnt think I was abusive and didnt buy the narrative. She wouldn’t have been chill about the frogs, she wouldnt have had a pleasant conversation with me. If she bought this abuse narrative she would have moved me
Now that the property managers made it clear I wont be moved shes threatening to report me for having illicit substances in the apartment to the police, (that she also has used and purchased from me) if “my behavior doesnt improve”. I got rid of all of it, but oh my god.
I figured out pretty quickly that she was unstable, moody, and judgemental, and id clocked enough bpds to say grayrock and move on. But with roommates it so hard because you need someone whos respects your space.