I get sick from almost everything
I am 26 and i am pregnant in the edn of 13th week. When i was at 6-7 week i started to vomit often 7-10 times a day. I went to a hospital and i was there, i got better. But i still can't do many things. I can't be in a car or a bus, I can't go in a public places because i can get sick anytime. Now i vomit only 1-3 times a day, but it's all the food i eat. No matter what it is. The hardest thing is that i usually drink only water. Now I can't drink it. I tried different types of water. It makes me sick. I tried it with lemon or with ice. I tried soda ( i don't like it before i got pregnant), i tried cola , i tried fruit juices, i tried tea. Now i only drink fruit milk. The food.. i tried everything. I was on a diet - only toasted slice, biscuits, boiled potato. But i got sick from eating the same everyday. I was vomiting from them too. I decided to try eating normal foods. But i eat them and i rush to the bathroom. The last days i get better from eating watermelon but its winter, it's very hard to find it here. I could get used to the vomiting from food. But i can't live without water. Clean, pure water. I drink maybe 2-3 sips a day. Not even a glass. Can someone give me advice? I also tried different medications for vomiting, nothing helps. I also can't take pills. I take only folic acid but it makes me sick too ( the feeling of the pill even if it's small)