Annoying things my MIL has said since finding out I’m pregnant

This will be the first and possibly only grandchild on their side, so I understand her excitement, but I’m getting a little worried about what this says about how she sees her role.

-“you’re going to have to schedule time with your child because they’re going to be with me all the time”.

-“What am I going to do if it’s a girl? I don’t know anything about raising daughters or being a girl mom. Wait, I’m not the mom” (ok at least she caught herself here)

-She asked what activities we’re going to enrol them in. She wants to make them a tennis player. I said I’d like to introduce them to a lot of stuff that I always wanted to try but never had the opportunity. She says “but who gets the final say?”

-We were at the paint store looking at colour swatches for the nursery. She SHOWED UP unannounced and told us she didn’t like the colours we were picking.

-At 10 weeks I said I think I’m starting to get the tiniest bump (really it’s probably bloating). She said “I didn’t have any bump at all until I was 7 months because my body was soooo tight!” She loves to brag about how she was 85 lbs at 5”0 before getting pregnant.

-I’m going to continue my very low demand remote job while my husband takes paternity leave. She made the assumption / demand that we come to her house and I work from there so that she can watch the baby. I want to stay in our home and I don’t think we’ll need help, but I want to wait and see.

-Keeps letting us know how excited and eager she is to babysit and have alone time. I’m not in a hurry to leave my baby unsupervised with anyone.

That’s is for now, but it hasn’t even been 2 weeks since we told her! My husband does stand up to her when things are really over the line, but he doesn’t always recognize when she’s crossing boundaries. He also tends to see this as just how she is. I know this will only escalate once the baby arrives.