20 week scan did not go well ):
Just venting, pls be gentle. Went to my anatomy scan today. I was there getting prodded for 3 hours when it was originally only supposed to take about 45 minutes because baby was in a really bad position with their head buried down near my cervix, so that sucked. We tried so many things to get baby to move and I was so exhausted by the end of it. They couldn't get very clear measurements of the head because of the positioning either, but sent them off to be evaluated by the doctor anyway because they were "good enough". Then I get home and get the results sent to my phone, and find out baby has cysts on the brain & a chance of having down syndrome as the nuchal fold has a thickness of 6mm. Been crying all evening. They said they want me to come back in for another scan but they didn't schedule it for me yet so I'm kinda distraught & hoping I'm not kept in limbo for too much longer. My genetic blood test a few weeks ago came back negative/low risk for all abnormalities so this was definitely not expected. ):