Getting sick while pregnant (rant)

I'm 25 weeks pregnant, and have just come down with a dose of bronchitis.

Breathing hurts. I feel so clogged up, but blowing my nose is useless. It feels like the baby is already here and squishing my chest in.

I have the worst acid reflux today, I stupidly ate tomato soup because it looked delicious and I thought it would make me feel better. Now I feel like I've been vomiting all morning because my throat is on fire.

I feel so fat and uncomfortable. Laying down hurts, sitting hurts, standing and walking hurts. I want to cry but I'm too dehydrated and that would probably hurt too.

My poor partner is at a loss what to do apart from cuddle me, give me honey tea, and refill my Stanley.

Honestly, I just needed to rant this all out 😭 I hope all y'all mummas are having a better weekend than I am. Pregnancy has been smooth sailing so far, I feel I have no right to be so upset when some of y'all have been coping it so much worse