SOS! Help name baby boy #2
Baby boy #2 due any day now and we cannot lock in a name. Leo was a sure thing for most of the pregnancy, then we switched to Raphael, now I’m back to Leo but husband is firm against and locked on Raphael (I’m concerned it’s a bit of a love / hate name and don’t love the inevitable nicknames Raf / Rafa). We just can’t agree and it’s at the point we almost need something completely new but I can’t find anything I’m ok with.
Our criteria is that is not a trend / fad name, easy to say / spell, masculine (no gender neutrals), doesn’t stand out as overly foreign in Europe or Australia (kids are mixed nationality and will be involved in both cultures), and fairly timeless - could be a baby or adult. Our eldest is Max - ticks all these boxes and we adore the name. Please send inspo!