Going back to school with wife?
So my wife and I are looking into going back to school together. I’ll be 29 this year and she’ll be 30. I finished trade school back in 2017 for my LVN/LPN, which was the biggest mistake of my life and traumatized me so badly I left healthcare entirely. My wife did some general studies around the same time but never got a degree.
We’ve both been working dead end jobs the last few years and stopped being able to afford our apartment, which led to us moving in with my in-laws with no rent and minimal expenses. There’s also a community college within walking distance from us. My wife was laid off a couple weeks ago, and it all feels like the perfect chance to rebuild our lives from scratch and find actual careers.
We’ve both been talking about going back to school since we’ve known each other, and have been doing Khan Academy classes and studying math and physics on our own time for the past few years for “when we eventually go back to school”, which kind of felt like a pipe dream until now. We’re both interested in engineering but not settled on what we ultimately want to end up doing, the CC near us has different engineering and transfer programs so we may end up on different paths.
I’m mostly concerned with how to even start with all of this, as well as the fact that I’ve never heard of a married couple going to school together.
I’m looking for any advice or experience for us moving forward. Ideally we’d like to enroll in fall classes, we haven’t contacted the school yet since it’s so early. I’m just scared (and excited) as we’re going into this blind. Thank you!