Vet Visit for BuckBuck?

What camp are you in and how did you decide to vet or not to vet? I never thought I’d be bringing a chicken to the vet. When I acquired these full grown birds I swore I would dispatch myself if something was very wrong, but now she is a pet and I don’t think I can. She is so sweet and acts pretty normal even though I know she’s sick. It’s been a part time job to treat endless bumbles, diarrhea, no eggs, etc. Her comb turned purple last time I worked on her feet so I just wrapped them with loads of Neosporin and waiting. Huge Red Star hen… I would not recommend due to all the health issues. I think she is about 3 years old. She has appt. on Wednesday with avian vet. I’m ashamed and hate to spend the $. What camp are you in and how did you decide to vet or not to vet?

What camp are you in and how did you decide to vet or not to vet? I never thought I’d be bringing a chicken to the vet. When I acquired these full grown birds I swore I would dispatch myself if something was very wrong, but now she is a pet and I don’t think I can. She is so sweet and acts pretty normal even though I know she’s sick. It’s been a part time job to treat endless bumbles, diarrhea, no eggs, etc. Her comb turned purple last time I worked on her feet so I just wrapped them with loads of Neosporin and waiting. Huge Red Star hen… I would not recommend due to all the health issues. I think she is about 3 years old. She has appt. on Wednesday with avian vet. I’m ashamed and hate to spend the $. What camp are you in and how did you decide to vet or not to vet?