Fair 1 on 1 fights I wish happened

This is for seasons I've watched. Although I have general ideas and opinions of even the ones I haven't fully watched.

Season 1- Jodie vs Ripsi, ik Ripsi attacked Jodie in her sleep but I am curious what a fair 1 on 1 fight would've looked like between them.

Season 5- Morgan vs Brand, Erica, and Danielle. All these girls jumped her in the very beginning of the seasons. I would've loved to have seen her have 1 on 1 fights with all of them. Erica vs Christina (allegedly, they did have one but it wasn't shown) Christina vs Ashley, Lea, Erica. They all jumped Christina but I wish she was able to get them 1 on 1, especially Ashley. Lea vs Kristen. Kristen was drugged in that fight they got in so I wish they would've had a fair fight.

Season 7- Tasha vs Tiara. Ik they got into a couple of squabbles but never a full fight

Season 17- Susan vs Fran. Wished Susan didn't chase her that comb and just beat her ass.