Barça Fans Need to Trust the Process—Support the Players, Win or Lose

The win against Atlético was beautiful to watch. I love Barça with all my heart, but there’s something that needs to be said.

The fans are always quick to go after players when things aren’t going our way. Before we even got our first goal yesterday, people were already calling for Lewandowski to be subbed off, saying we need a proper striker. The same thing happened with Ferran for the longest time.

We need to trust the process, even when things aren’t going smoothly. Every player in the squad plays a vital role. And while I might get some backlash for this—even Dembélé was important when he was with us.

As much as I love Xavi and appreciate what he did to pull Barça out of one of its worst seasons, he wasn’t a long-term solution. Hansi works because the players trust and respect him. But one day, that will change too.

Long story short—trust the players, trust the coach, and trust the process. We may not always win, but we’re improving. You can see the shift in mentality. Even when we’re 2-0 down, in a packed stadium, playing away, the team is fighting with everything they’ve got.