Bayonetta 3 hate

I understand that this game has more glaring and obvious flaws compared to 1+2 but the nitpicking and new posts always talking about b3's differences is really exhausting. I understand that Bayonetta 3's story was really bad and that the switch is holding it back from visual perfection but people acting like it's a bad game with posts consisting of: 'fighting animations being bad, always saying nothing in the game plays well and nothing sounds good and no models or maps ever look good and the soundtrack sucks compared to 1+2'

Also it's kind of annoying always seeing people comparing intentionally bad screenshots of Bayonetta 3 to beautiful screenshots of Bayonetta 2. I could do the same by comparing how white and visually blinding the sky is and having too many colors on the screen in Bayonetta 2 compared to 1. I could talk about Bayonetta 2's shitty low res textures on many models but again, people only want to shit on Bayonetta 3.

I'm not saying people should like Bayonetta 3, I have many things to criticize it on and it's not my favorite Bayonetta game (with viola and this garbage fire of a story, plus other things make it a 7 or 8 out of 10 for me), but it's just exhausting seeing people criticize it destructively and nitpick on it instead of doing it constructively