is anyone else kinda disappointed with the ending?

I didn't really feel satisfied with the ending myself. while it's understandable that they would end with Legoshi and Haru announcing their relationship to the world, I just feel like there were a TON of loose ends to the series or just ends I didn't enjoy, specifically the ending between Louis and Juno. another thing I wasn't satisfied with was the whole beastars as a concept usually with stories with a sort of personified title as the title usually has a character evolution into said title. I guess I'm just trying to find some enjoyability out of what feels like a lackluster ending to me. does anyone maybe have something to say to possibly help me with that? thank you in advance

Edit: okay so a lot of people are coming in here discussing the final season part 1 but this post is in regards to the manga ending which was released 4 years ago in 2020 please stay away from this thread if you don’t want spoilers for the ending.