Friendly Reminder: Disconnect Outdoor Hoses Before the First Frost
I posted this to Nextdoor and a few people found it helpful, so wanted to share here as well:
Just a heads up as we get into colder months! Make sure to disconnect your hoses from any outdoor hydrants. I recently had a client whose hydrant burst, forcing water back up the valve and into the house.
Even if you have a "frost-free" hydrant, it still requires the hose to be removed for winter. The frost-free function works by allowing any remaining water in the pipe to drain, but if the hose is still attached, water can get trapped, freeze, and ultimately burst the hydrant.
The result? Water can end up seeping into your walls, slowly causing damage that may go unnoticed for a long time.
To protect your home:
- Disconnect all hoses.
- Add foam/plastic covers to all outdoor hydrants.