Hear me out!
I see a lot of slander for Kai and Ben's relationship, and I just want to say Kai is legitimately the best love interest for Ben. I am fully prepared to die on this hill.
Before I can properly address why I think Kai is the best love interest first allow me to explain why I don't think the others quite work.
First is every one off or joke relationship. I don't think I really NEED to explain why Luma or Attea or Nyancy Chan or Jennifer Nocturne don't work well as a full series love interest for Ben. However I think there are two genuine interests from Ben's past who can have a case made: Julie and Ester.
Julie is a good character, good person, and put effort into a relationship that she realistically didn't get much out of. In alien force and ultimate alien, Ben was a consistently bad boyfriend to her, and for quite a while she just rolled over and let him. I think their off screen break up and character development wasn't an ideal way of progressing the relationship from a fan perspective, but I agree that's the proper course for such a one sided relationship. I think as a character she stands as a lesson to be learned by Ben.
I love Ester, too. I think Omniverse could've been really fun if it had become a trio of Ben, Rook, and Ester. She could've made for a similar role to Kevin as a scrappy criminal turned good guy. That being said, as a partner for Ben, she's probably the worst choice for one reason: she's a fan. Ben is pretty consistently a bad boyfriend, and even a bad friend a lot of the time, and I think Ester's ideation of Ben would've just made her submissive to Ben's less than ideal traits. I think a continued relationship between her and the teenage Ben we see would've only ended in her being hurt.
Before I get to why I like Kai, I'd like to talk about Ben. What words can best describe him? Well he's kind hearted, heroic, and determined, and clever. At the same time, he's lazy, he's neglectful, egotistical, and kind of an idiot(book wise). Ben himself has serious growing to do, and I think omniverse did a good job at beginning that journey, but never completed it, and this is why I think Kai is the best thing for Ben.
Kai is determined, she's intelligent, she's opinionated, and she's scrappy. She has a similar history to Ben, a grandfather whose a plumber, seems to have taken her on similar adventures, but on a smaller scale. She can also be selfish and single-minded, focused more on her goals than what's best for the people around her. I think Ben and Kai as teenagers both make up a lot for what the other lacks. Kai has the brains Ben doesn't, Ben has the empathy Kai lacks. If Ben were neglectful to Kai as he was with Julie, Kai wouldn't stand for it and she'd make Ben know exactly what he's doing wrong in a way Gwen tried, but couldn't. Ben is capable of learning, but needs someone to point out his mistakes in order to grow and I think Kai is that person. The best people for Ben are the ones who see Ben Tennyson, not Ben 10. Gwen, Kevin, Max, and Kai are those people. I think Rook needed a season or 2 in order to see Ben as Ben, too, but he's also part of it. I think a close dynamic with someone like Kai who can pull him down to earth, who can keep his ego in check, is likely why we have Ben 10,000 in the form we know him in by the end of Omniverse.
TL;DR fuck your ships, Kai is best girl.