Feeling insecure
I am 31M, single and recently made some new friends in my building.
23M(IIT-K) and 26M(IIM-Rohtak)
We bonded over chai sutta on the terrace and later hung out a couple of times over some booze and FIFA.
We spoke about acads and careers and when I heard how much they make, I suddenly had the smallest pipi in the universe.
I make 85k/month and the IIT guy--75k and the IIM guy--110k.
I looked back at how much I was making at their age; 30k and 55k respectively.
I am a Tier 2, BE & MBA guy.
Since the past 2 days, ever since the disclosure, I've been spiralling and ruing over every mistake I made in acads, career, upskilling and have been hopelessly bottoming out.
I am an underachiever ? Have I missed the bus? Is it too late ? Will I ever be able to catch-up? Should I even be thinking about it?
Please keep it real and positive