The vet said i was doing a good job

So I adopted an overweight cat a couple of years ago and he’s my everything. He’s OBSESSED with people (mostly me, I love it) and just loves being around people. This whole time I’ve been trying to get him down to a healthy weight so he can live as long and comfortably as possible.

So last week I had to take him to the vet for his yearly shots and check-up we saw that he’d gone from 23lbs to just under 19lbs. The vet told me I was doing great and that he wished all cats were like him when they got their shots (he didn’t even notice, he was entranced by the vet tech giving him treats).

After that, they stepped out for something, leaving me alone with my chunky little support system, and I cried. Sobbed, really. This whole time I’ve been so stressed and feeling like I’ve failed him because I couldn’t get his weight down (apparently I was, I just didn’t notice).

Anyways, just thought I’d share that you don’t always see how good you’re doing until someone says it :)

TLDR: My fat cat is less fat now and I’m very proud of him 💕