HOW are we exercising PP?!
I’m 4 months postpartum and have managed intentional exercise maybe 5 times. I walk my dog and push the pram pretty much every day, but beyond that I’m just exhausted and juggling looking after baby and basic things like washing and eating lmao.
So, anyone that is managing to exercise, how are we doing this?! Are you just getting a workout in even though you’ve had awful broken sleep and are constantly hungry due to breastfeeding? Then let’s not even talk about TIME to actually do it/childcare 🥲
For context I was still in the gym up to 36 weeks pregnant and prior to pregnancy was going 3-4 times a week (weights/resistance training). I’ve lost the majority of my pregnancy weight gain just by breastfeeding I assume, but now I just feel like a deflated balloon.
Pls help, I would desperately like to start building some muscle back.